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Your Personal Invitation to JOIN
$ave Now
If you open a new savings or a new checking account for you or a family member with payroll deduction or direct deposit, we will add $5.00 to your account. Ask about our free checking from our representative or call 212-302-1954 ext. 214 or 215.
You will also receive a FREE GIFT.*
*While supplies last
Holiday Loan Promotion
With a Credit Union Holiday Loan, you can borrow the money you need for gift
buying, a winter vacation, or anything else at a great low rate. Borrow up
to $5,000 for a term of 12 months and at a rate of 7.0% APR. There's no two
ways about it - this is a sweet deal! Don't wait, Holiday Loans will only
be available until January 31, 2006, apply online today by clicking here!
you know members of your immediate family can join the PSC/CUNY FCU and
take advantage of our many offers? A child off to college? How about a
credit union share draft/checking account with no monthly fees and only
a $50 deposit in his share account? Get him a debit card which allows
you to transfer funds that will be readily available to your child when
he runs short. Perhaps you might consider a VISA card with a small limit
so he can learn how to manage money. What else is available? Call and
we will send you information.
per-check fee
No minimum
balance requirement (must have $100 in Savings)
check writing privileges
paid on entire balance
150 checks free
Deposit available at CUNY, FIT, Research Foundation and many other
protection available
In addition
to these benefits, we will buy back your old checks from that other institution
for 5 cents per check up to $5.00 when you open a PSC/CUNY FCU Share Draft
Checking Account. We are that confident that we can save you money and
provide you with the best service available.
With the summer months here and many of our members traveling, we thought it was important for them to be particularly careful with credit cards, passports, drivers licenses and other papers. Therefore, here are a few steps to take…
Always keep a copy of your passport and drivers license at home where a family member can retrieve if necessary.
Review all of your account statements as soon as you receive them. If you have online access, review them even more frequently.
Review credit reports annually. The credit union has a link to Equifax that can be found on the home page of our web site.
Use caution when giving personal information over the phone or Internet. When ordering online, make sure you are dealing with a reputable company and they are using a secure site.
File a police report immediately if your ID is stolen.
Inform the three major credit bureaus if there are any discrepancies in your credit rating or you believe you are a victim of identity theft.
Be aware of current scam tactics such as offers of money for using your account to transfer money out of foreign countries.
Inform your financial institution immediately if any cards or other identification have been stolen or misused.

